Aspaklarya on an Index Card

by Naomi Zaslow and Gaby Hamaoui




Today's Comic*Forum*Art *Links *About*Stuff*Archives*Reviews    

                                                                      Naomi’s links


Comics - A really cool site about 2 guys stuck in Japan. It is a lot like a magna with video game humor. - FEAR THE HAMSTERS!!!!!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!! This is a favorite comic of ours, about some people living on Shaw Island, The Feuding Hamsters & Crabs and dating, or lack of it. It's very funny. – It’s funny, I swear. It’s video game humor staring 2 crazy guys, one a consol gamer and the other a pc. :p  don’t bother unless you understand what I just said. – A bit perverse at times, but an awesome (in my world :p) story and cool art. Not for the little people.  It’s about a group of girls mainly on the run from the government. - Black mage is the cutest:  “I AM THE BLACK MAGE! I CASTS THE SPELLS THAT MAKES THE PEOPLES FALL DOWN!” A comic made of Final Fantasy 1 character designs!!! :D!! – a freaked out story in this webcomic, with the “all stories are true” thing on top. Very sci-fi, nice art, and deep character development. – A webcomic with vampires and stuff, really really good art, and an interesting story. [note: yaoi] A comic with a really cute love story [yaoi]. About 2 college girls that are almost as weird as me and Gaby. Almost. - College life seems so much more fun than mine...

Other sites – Helped me out whenever I was stuck in a game, its codes and walkthrough to all your favorite games. – An art site by the guy who does Megatokyo, Fred. I learned a lot from his drawing style, and have blatantly plagiarized most of his art. I do it all in love though. – Lots of anime and video game stuff.


                                                                                         Our sites – Naomi’s personal site. – Gaby’s personal site.


                                      Both of these are updated very sporadically… hahah!! Like we would bother updating them!! Ha!

                                                                                         Gaby’s links

 funny Things – And you though my sites where weird. Gaby’s a real FREAK!!! But really, this is a cool site of animated muffins… it is! It is cool! Stop looking at me like that! – Tests you actually want to take! Find out about yourself! – Yes, there is a heaven, and this is it.  For all those English Portfolios you just never got around to writing, or reading for that matter…

 Oh, Gaby love Shaw-island, which I have a link in my section, so why bother putting it here again? – funny shiz. Especially little tiny grandpa :"Family? Where are you? .... I can hear you breathing..." – Also funny shiz. It's comic about a killer. That’s why it’s all funny s

Bands                                                                                 -Support Abe!!! [Naomi’s note: Abe is a friend of ours, this is his band.] -I LOVE THURSDAY!!! [Naomi’s note: I swear she is not on drugs. click on the link to keep her that way] -Yummy Brandon!!!!! [Naomi’s note: the band Incubus. Naked torsos rock.] - Canadian punk, what could be better?? [Naomi’s note: if you are one of those Canadian hatters, don't answer that.] - Someday I will take over!!! Hahah! The rx bandits will be mine!!! [Naomi’s note: walk away slowly...] -They're local but supergood! They make you feel all fuzzy inside!!!

Other – Help Israel!!!



                                                                    Support Yoely!! – Yoely’s company, he makes web sites and stuff! He’s really good ;). Seriously, check him out!




  Aspaklarya on an Index Card is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Also, if you steal any of our stuff, I will personally make sure you die in your own vomit.

 So don’t take without our permission.

Artist/web designer:

 Other stuff: