Aspaklarya on an Index Card

by Naomi Zaslow and Gaby Hamaoui



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About Us, Our Comic, & Company



      In the beginning-How it started. The Comic I Mean.

      And then it was- But why?

     Ummm… I’m confused, is there a Rashi on this?- What our name means. Stop looking at it weird, and find out!

     So do you gals have anything else?-About Hamster productions  


      Um... weren’t we talking about the comic? What, you want more?  Fine! You get more!

     Are there characters yet?- okay, lets pretend…

     What about a story? You have a story?- sheash, you guys are impossible to please..

     Anything we should know before we begin worshiping you?- yes.



     How It Started. The Comic I Mean.

      It all started as a joke. It still is. We (Me and Gaby) like to make New Years resolutions, just to see how long we can keep them. Like that diet that you’ll say “oh, I’ll start it on Monday” and on Monday you roll/stumble/flop out of bed, scream at the world for waking you up, and everything is going soooo bad already, you grab that 1 pound tub of ice cream and dig in… this is not from personal experience of course ^^;; . I’m going off topic, hold on… where was I?  Anyway, when it turned 2002, on Jan. 7th me and Gaby where joking in class (Hebrew language probably) and said, lets make a comic! Well, it was more like: *hysterical laughing* MY ARMS FOR A PRINTER!! *more laughing* BUUURRRPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!  *more laughing* *on the floor laughing* Hey Gaby! Let’s make a comic!!!! *dieing of laughter* LO TOVE!!! WE GOT A LO TOV!!!!!! Hahahahahaah!!! Gaby, did you hear me? :p I’ll draw it and you’ll do the story! *morah snozl tell us to be quiet, and that she’s “veeeewy dissaponted, I cannnn’t beeelive it!” in our rudeness* Oh, sure Naomi, great plan… *goes to sleep* *I laugh*.


So, that was me laying down the foundation for the site…


     (BTW, on this site, starting today (6/30/02) you can tell who’s writing something. If it’s me, it will be in this font, and if it’s Gaby, it will look like this, okay? I decided this because it looks like our handwritings a bit, and I think it would be best if you can tell us apart. K Yeah, I’m the cute one…)


  Anyway, starting then, we where on a mission from God-

   No we weren’t K you can’t say that Naomi.

  Okay, we where on a mission from me-(which is basically the same thing >:) )


  And we started looking around for what we needed to make this idea work, like a website, and m4d l33+ dr4\/\/1n9 skillz. And we got themJ! I mean, I don’t want to brag or anything, but I –

 Then shut up about your “mad leet drawing skillz” and get on with it.

Just because it took you an hour to draw that girl, and 2 minutes to mess it up doesn’t mean you have to be bit-




 Good point, moving on! So, we joined Keenspot, and did what we planed to do. We forgot about it, ignored it, and fell asleep whenever we started working on it. I blame it on school.

  Chemistry. I blame everything on chemistry.

But, it’s summer now! We have a mission! From G - Me! We must get this site up and running!

 May the hamster be with you, my young grasshopper!

*runs off to work on the site*

 Well, that takes care of that. My job is done. *goes back to sleep*       



     But why?

      Why make a comic when we’re 2 lazy people with as much talent as a room full of monkeys in makeup you ask? Well, to immortalized/plagiarize the words of Fred (from Megatokyo) “because we can”. Of course he later said, “just because you can, don’t, cause you’re opening a whole can of whoop-ass” or something like that. :p oh well. Really where doing this cause it looks good on our college trans- I mean, because I love to draw, and Gaby… Gaby… um… she’s very... Creative! Yeah, she’s creative! Wake up Gaby!  ^^;; uh…


   What our name means. Stop looking at it weird, and find out!

        If you’re in our school (teacher) or a parent:

We honestly have no clue what our name means. We both ate a lot of sugar, some frappachino’s, and BOOM! It just came to us. It was like a sign from God.


         If you’re in our school (student):

Okay, you know how everyone cheats? Especially in Hebrew classes, right? Now, remember what Mrs. Benzaqun taught us? “An asssspacklariiahh iz ah profaacee, a vision, etcetera”, and when you put the answers to a Hebrew language on an index card, it’s like an Aspaklarya, cause your getting a vision (the answer)! Isn’t that clever?! Bow down to our superior minds!!  


      If you have no connection to us/or friends who don’t fit into the above:

Okay, this might be a bit complicated, so hang on tight. First of all, an Aspaklarya is a prophesy. Like you get a vision of the answers on the test by looking at The-Really-Smart-Person-Sitting-Next-To-Yous’ paper. Not that me and Gaby demonstrate such immoral behavior *wink wink, nudge nudge*. Index cards, also called flash cards, are great study tools for preparing for a test.  They are also very useful for that answer you know, but like you don’t, ya know what I mean? So you whip out your index card, and WHAMMMO instant Aspaklarya!! Understand?


     About Hamster productions

     Actually, yes. Faceless Hamster Productions is our corporation name, and this comic is just a small part of it. I’ll let Gaby explain it, because it was mainly her idea. (This is what happened when she watched too many muffin films)


     So you want to know about Faceless Hamster Productions? You think you can handle the vast knowledge which is the greatest thing ever??  Well, you're crazy! But so are we, so we'll let you in on some stuff. Here are the 5 W's on Faceless Hamster.


Who is Faceless Hamster?

What is Faceless Hamster?

Why the name Faceless Hamster?

Where is Faceless Hamster?

When is Faceless hamster?




     Who is Faceless Hamster?

     Gaby and Naomi

     What is Faceless Hamster?

     Faceless Hamster Productions is the umbrella title for all the projects we are working on at the moment. It includes our comic, the things we write, random pictures, and will hopefully grow to include short films and articles and whatever else we think of.

     Why the name Faceless Hamster?

      Ooh, this is a long one: Because being faceless symbolizes having no identity, which we feel many people can relate to. By setting out together to create something, we knew that not only would it draw us closer but it would also give us an outlet, and a way to see into ourselves. What we put into our comics, or our writing, or anything we do is a reflection of ourselves and by showing it to people it helps give a sense of being. When it is on display we can't hide from ourselves, the world is seeing what we've created. This is us, whether you like it or hate it. What Faceless Hamster is all about, in essence, is creativity and being yourself. 

     Just kidding!! We were bored in class and hamsters are a private joke between us so Naomi drew one but she couldn't draw a cute enough face, and thus, Faceless Hamster was born! (but if you like what I wrote earlier better, by all means go by that!!)

      Where is Faceless Hamster?

        Right behind you! AH!! Run!!!

      When is Faceless Hamster?



Thank you Gaby, for that very insightful/inspiring thingy.  Faceless Hamster Productions, for the full hamster experience. (Note: we are lazy. There is nothing there. Yet.)



 We like chocolate, video games, and 100 dollar bills :D .




Aspaklarya on an Index Card is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Also, if you steal any of our stuff, I will personally make sure you die in your own vomit.

 So don’t take without our permission.

Artist/web designer:

 Other stuff: